Texas Refinery Corp’s 890 VARI-PURPOSE® is truly one of the finest gear oils obtainable. Through extensive research, an advanced base was selected to provide lasting and superior performance under the toughtest conditions. 890 VARI-PURPOSE® can be used where even some of the more expensive, high-additive gear oils have given unsatisfactory service. 890 VARI-PURPOSE® is formulated using superior additives that offer wear protection even under heavy loads or shock loads.
Full product specs:
The Basis Of The Quality
890 VARI-PURPOSE® is very adhesive, meaning it will cling tenaciously to the gears, providing continuous lubrication, even in the presence of moisture. The cohesive property of 890 VARI-PURPOSE® is also important . . . the product will withstand extreme pressure operating conditions.
Provides Low Non-Channeling Point
Color Coded
Equipment operators receive several advantages by Texas Refinery Corp. color-coding 890 VARI-PURPOSE® a bright red. The chance of a wrong oil being used can be virtually eliminated,a leak can easily be traced, and 890’s color is a “life” indicator. When the color changes from a red to a dark color, it is usually an indication that it is time to change the oil.