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Kiln Seal

KILN SEAL is an asphalt based material which provides a tough, heat-holding film and long-lasting barrier against moisture and heat in lumber dry kilns. KILN SEAL is used to prevent the deterioration of dry kiln walls, ceilings and decking; to help ensure proper moisture level; to help maintain heat control. It is designed to be used over masonry, wood, and metal surfaces.

Full product specs:


Helps Control Heat & Moisture

KILN SEAL Helps Control Heat and Moisture
Lumber is processed in dry kilns to remove excess moisture. High heat is used for this process. Temperatures in the dry kiln average 180°F. The vapor pressure of water at this temperature is 7½ pounds per square inch. The difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the dry kiln causes heat and moisture to squeeze through the walls, doors, etc. KILN SEAL provides a rugged barrier to help control heat and moisture loss within the dry kiln.



Heated air laden with moisture rises to the ceilings in dry kilns. KILN SEAL retards this moisture from penetrating the ceiling, walls and decking of dry kilns. By minimizing decay and rot in wood roofs and decking, KILN SEAL substantially reduces expensive structural repairs or replacements. Proper application of KILN SEAL is beneficial in helping keep dry kilns operating efficiently and continuously


Lowers Fuel Costs

KILN SEAL forms an air-resistant, moisture and waterproof barrier. Controls outside air from coming through and retards moisture and heat from escaping. Steady heat is maintained, affecting savings in fuel costs.


Speeds Curing

Heat and moisture ratios within dry kilns are more easily and effectively controlled with KILN SEAL. With a steady temperature maintained, lumber is cured more rapidly, steadily and efficiently.


Easy To Apply

KILN SEAL is ready to apply directly from the container. No mixing or thinning required. It can be applied by brush, roller or spray to interior walls, decking and ceiling. KILN SEAL should not be applied to fans, fan blades, thermostats or other mechanical operating parts. It is not recommended for use in brick or tile processing kilns.