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Gator Seal

GATOR SEAL is a unique blend of an asphalt emulsion, mineral fillers, glass fiber, ground rubber and plasticizers designed especially for aging alligatored areas on asphalt parking lots. It is also used for filling cracks in excess of ½” in width.

Full product specs:


Economical Blacktop Repair

GATOR SEAL has distinct advantages over the use of hot mix skin patch asphalt. With GATOR SEAL you can avoid the intense labor and heavy equipment needed to dig out the alligatoring areas and replace them. For a fraction of the cost to install an asphalt overlay or replace the entire parking lot, GATOR SEAL will restore and seal excessively cracked asphalt surfaces
in one easy step. Skilled labor is not necessary.


Fast And Easy To Use

GATOR SEAL is packaged ready to use on asphaltic surfaces such as parking lots, athletic courts, driveways, roadways, playgrounds, walkways, running tracks and golf cart paths. Surface must be dry and free from all loose material, dirt and dust. Wire brushing and/or pressure air cleaning is recommended. No mixing is necessary. Just pour the GATOR SEAL onto the alligatored area (or into the crack) and work it in with a squeegee. Clean-up is easy with soap and water.


Ready For Traffic In Hours

GATOR SEAL will set under good conditions in several hours, depending on weather and filler thickness. Do not use when rain is forecast, when surface is wet or when temperature is below 50°F.


Seals Out Damaging Moisture

GATOR SEAL effectively seals out damaging moisture and chemicals for years, even in low areas where ponding water has caused substantial alligatoring and deterioration.
Any asphalt surface that isn’t loose and broken up . . . and still maintains its base integrity . . . is a candidate for GATOR SEAL.


Durable In All Climates

After curing GATOR SEAL is durable and resilient in all climates. It is compatible with coal tar oil base and emulsion blacktop and sealers.
GATOR SEAL is used as a “stand alone” product. Sealing over it with QUICK-DRY PAVING SEAL or ALL-PURPOSE PAVING SEAL is not necessary.


Environmentally Friendly

GATOR SEAL is user-friendly and complies with all V.O.C. emissions and E.P.A. standards. It is for exterior use only. In high humidity or other unusual conditions, Silica Sand may be broadcast over GATOR SEAL to aid in drying.